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Church auditorium


Church Services    1166E. 3rd Ave. Durango

A warm sense of fellowship in a small gathering...

Sunday Services provide a quiet time each week for prayer and meditation, and consist of music, scriptural readings and a Bible Lesson sermon. Two lay members conduct the Sunday worship, reading texts from the Bible and the Christian Science textbook, Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy.

Order of Service

  • Hymn

  • Scriptural Reading

  • Silent Prayer followed by congregation praying aloud The Lord’s Prayer with its spiritual interpretation given in the Christian Science textbook.

  • Hymn

  • Notices

  • Solo

  • Announcement of Lesson Sermon subject and reading of the Golden Text

  • Responsive Reading with congregation participation

  • Lesson Sermon

  • Music/Collection

  • Hymn

  • Closing citations and benediction

  • Wednesday Testimony Meetings

    Find a refuge in the middle of your week at our Wednesday evening testimony meetings. These open with singing and readings from the Bible and Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures that give spiritual insight to issues in the news and individual lives. Afterward all are invited to share remarks and experiences that demonstrate God’s power to heal discords of every kind. 


    Child care provided at all services 






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    dial  +1 346 248 7799 

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    872 8624 4511 for meeting ID

     also enter 953135 for passcode

    Questions? call 970-247-0218

    First Church of Christ, Scientist, Durango, Colorado

    History of Christian Science in Durango 

    Recorded interest in Christian Science in Durango, Colorado dates from the year 1897. The list of people attending informal meetings included twenty two names. By December 1900 public services were being held and on January 6, 1901 the Durango Christian Science Society was formed.  The Society established a Sunday School and held all its services at 300 Newman Block. In 1905 Wednesday evening meetings were established and a Reading Room was opened to the public in 1906.  In January 1907 a Board of Directors was appointed and 15 charter members signed the bylaws, formally establishing the new Church organization.  Among those were the Mayor and his wife, a newspaperman, teachers, a banker, musician and store owners. In 1921 the present site on Third Avenue was purchased and construction began in the fall of 1922. The edifice was dedicated in 1924. At that time Durango was a bustling mining and ranching town of 6,000.

    First Church of Christ, Scientist, Durango continues to serve Southwest Colorado with Sunday and Wednesday Evening Services, a Reading Room/Bookstore/Community Resource for spiritual seekers, enfolding the whole community in the message of the healing Christ.

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